Sunday, May 5, 2019

Water for Profit Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Water for Profit - Essay ensampleSometimes a sense of urgency of solving this problem is lacking until it is too late to do anything and then suffer its adverse consequences causing untold misery and numerous unnecessary deaths.It used to be that water from any source is clean and safe to drink, whether from the spring, river, lake or artesian well. Prior to the advent of the industrial Revolution, this was a case usually in around rural areas. But the rise of factories and urban centers occasioned by the Industrial Revolution forced many people to live in congested and confined areas with weeny or no regard to sanitation. Before Western medicine and scientific research took hold, epidemics were fairly common, close to of them caused by dirty water that had water-borne diseases in it. A new paradigm must be prosecute regarding water resources, that although it is renewable, it is a not inexhaustible resource. There are many instances and situations where there is plenty of wate r but none of it is drinkable due to pollution. This paper examines a novel phenomenon of water being exchange for profit, an unthinkable situation even just a few decades ago. People no longer trustfulness their tap water and resort to drinking supposedly purified water in plastic bottles.Nobody tail dispense with drinking water. The rise of big cities and urban centers is a sign of progress and development. These areas require modern methods of sewerage and the sewage system, together with piping potable water into homes and offices. In his book, author Peter H. Glieck lamented the state of war on tap water in favor of profits and big business to the utter outrage of ordinary people. Good public governance requires those in power to provide all the basic necessities in life, through utilities such as municipal water and electricity to power homes and businesses. Suddenly, public water fountains disappeared from most public areas and bottled water is

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