Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Weapons and Personal Protective Equipment

When protecting individuals from others that may wish to do them harm, kidnap them, or just be near them because they think that the person he or she is stalking is theirs in some way it is important to protect oneself first. In today’s world of popularity of movie stars and political figures it has become more increasingly important for those individuals to hire personal protective agents. For an agent to do the best job that they can they must first protect him or herself or he or she will not be able to protect his or her client. The use of personal protective equipment and weapons has become more popular then it was in the past. Personal protection agents must worry about the use of weapons, personal protection equipment, and the use of force so they can protect themselves and their client to the fullest. Weapons When protecting someone from would be attackers or those that wish to harm the client the use of weapons may be necessary. Many different types of weapons are available for agents to use. Non-lethal weapons like tasers, stun guns, pepper spray, bean bag guns, and rubber bullets. These weapons are all designed to slow down the individual and allow the agent to take control of the situation by restraining the attacker. Non-lethal weapons are designed to allow the agent to resolve a dangerous situation. The use of non-lethal weapons by personal protection agents can de-escalate a situation in which, greater force may have been used. Not all situations can be resolved by the use of non-lethal weapons. In the situations that require an agent to carry a gun or a lethal weapon the agent must first receive the proper training on the use of the weapon. Each state has different guidelines on the use of firearms and restrictions of who can possess a firearm. When the agent becomes fully trained in the use of a firearm and obtains the proper permits and licensing the agent protects his or her self from many civil liabilities. When an agent has been properly trained this will help to eliminate any unnecessary accidents. Proper training will allow the agent to assess the situation entirely before he or she discharges a weapon and injures an innocent by-stander. Weapons will allow the agent to fully protect him or herself, and give him or her capability to protect his or her principal to the fullest. When a dangerous situation arises a protection agent must be ready to do whatever it takes to keep his or her principal safe. By arming themselves with either non-lethal or lethal weapons they can ensure that the principal is well protected. Personal Protection Equipment According to a 1997 Bureau of Justice Statistics survey of 700 state and local law enforcement agencies with 100 or more officers, approximately 40% of sheriff's and municipal police departments, and 25% of state and country police departments require all field officers to wear body armor, compared to slightly less than 30% in the same survey conducted in 1993 (Body Armor, 2009). The top five threats that face police officers and protection agents are blunt trauma, hypodermic needles, knives, bullets, and homemade and pointed weapons. Along with weapons agents must also protect themselves with life-saving equipment. The use of bullet-proof vests and body armor will help the agent to prevent him or herself from being fatally shot while on duty. By requiring the principal wear a vest also this will increase the survival of the principal. The use of body armor will help to defuse a potentially fatal situation. It is important for agents to remember that the decision to choose a protective equipment item should not be because it is comfortable or it looks good on him or her. The choice of protective gear should be based on the level of threats that may be present. The higher the threat level the stronger the protective gear. If it may be a fatal situation, then the agent should choose full body armor. This decision should also apply to the person who is under protection. Not all people that are being protected will require the use of such drastic equipment but by using other equipment can decrease their vulnerability. Use of Force The use of force has always been a questionable tactic in law enforcement and security fields. Everyone always questions how much force is needed, was the force justifiable and could the officer have done something differently to deter the use of force. By teaching officers and protection agents what is the appropriate level of force and in what situations force can be stronger will help to prevent unnecessary questioning by the public and the media. Most agencies have guidelines and policies that outline the use of force. These guidelines describe the escalating continuum that is appropriate for officers and agents to use. The use of force continuum is designed into five separate levels. Level one is the simple presence of an officer or agent. The agent is non-threatening and professional, and the mere presence of the agent is to act as deterrence for an attacker. Level two is the verbalization level. This is when an agent uses verbal commands such as please step back, stop, or do not move to make the individual to stop his or her approach. This is a non-physical stage and is used to let the attacker know that there is someone present to stop him or her if he or she continues. Level three is the empty hand technique. Officers or agents use two types of empty hand techniques. The first is a soft empty hand technique and is the use of grabs, holds, and joint locks to restrain the individual. The second is hard empty hand techniques and the agent uses punches or kicks to subdue the attacker. This step is used when the attacker is noncompliant to the first two levels of the continuum. This level is also used in conjunction with level two, the use of verbal commands such as stop or I will have to restrain you. Level four is the use of less than lethal methods. This level is broke down into three sections. The first is blunt impact, the use of a baton or a projectile to immobilize the individual. The second is the use of chemicals. These can include pepper spray, mace, tear gas, or other chemical sprays that are used to immobilize the attacker. The third type of less than lethal force is the use of conducted energy devices. Officers or agents may use CEDs to immobilize an individual. CEDs discharge a high-voltage, low-amperage jolt of electricity at a distance (U. S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs, 2009). The final level of the use of force continuum is lethal force. This is the final choice among agents and officers. Lethal force is only used when all the other levels have been exhausted and the agent or officer is left with no other choice then to use lethal force. It should only be used if the suspect poses a serious threat to the agent or the principal. The use of force must be justified in any case and the agent must be able to clearly state why he or she believed the level of force that was used was needed. In no circumstances should an agent use force if there is no reason for its use. When confronted by a situation, it is not uncommon for an agent of officer to move from one level to the next of the continuum within a matter of seconds. Situations can escalate from non-threatening and not serious to lethal within seconds. It is all on how the situation is dealt with and how determined the individual who is posing the threat is to escalate the situation. Summary Whenever an agent is assigned to a protective detail, it is important for them to make sure that they assess the situation for every aspect that is needed to determine the level of protection for his or her principal. When protecting individuals, it is important to remember that every aspect of the detail is assessed and that the agent communicates fully with his or her team. This will allow the agent and others involved to make sure that there will be no surprises and that he or she are ready for anything that may happen. Agents can never underestimate their potential adversaries. If they do they may not be fully prepared for what is about to happen. They must also protect themselves with weapons and personal protection equipment so that they are not harmed. This will help to increase the success of the assignment and will ensure that the principal is well guarded. Agents must also be trained and knowledgeable in the use of force continuum. This will keep them from committing a needless mistake while protecting their principal. By being fully trained and completely prepared for assignments personal protection agents can do their job better and give their principal the opportunity to relax with the knowledge that they are fully protected no matter what may arise.

Biography of Dr Grace Murrary Hopper

Dr. Grace Murray Hopper was born on December 9, 1906. As a child Grace Hopper enjoyed learning about machines, technology and other countries cultures. Following her mother†s love for mathematics and her father†s love for literature, Grace had high expectations for herself. Family life was large influence as she grew up, from the close relationship she had with her grandfather, a surveyor in New York City, she learned about real life at a young age. Her father, Walter Fletcher Murray, was a successful insurance broker, also taught Grace the importance of a good education to succeed in life. Her mother, Mary Campbell Horne Murray, perused a career in geometry by special arrangement even though it was not an encouraged job for women at this time. Grace's great-grandfather, Alexander Russel, inspired her interest in the Navy. Russel had been a rear admiral for the US Navy, a position Grace also filled in her lifetime. Grace's parents were progressive in their views of education for females, firmly certifying Grace's pursuit of higher learning. Her father believed that Grace deserved a college education as much as his son did, and, with the coming of the depression, he thought it overbearing in order to secure a job in desperate economic times. To that end, Grace attended Vassar College in 1924, and quickly distinguished herself there in the disciplines of science, specifically mathematics and physics. She graduated in 1928 with Phi Beta Kappa honors and a Vassar College Fellowship, and with that scholarship financed continued graduate study in math at Yale University, earning there an MA in 1930 and a Ph. D. in 1934, as well as two Sterling Scholarships and an election to Sigma Xi. It was also during that time that Grace married Vincent Hopper, an English teacher from New York University. After the outbreak of World War II, Grace enlisted in the Navy, despite the disapproval of female cadets. With a Wanting to follow her Grandfathers footsteps Grace perused a naval career even though she did not meet the weight and height requirements to join WAVES (Women Accepted for Voluntary Emergency Service). But Grace received a weight and height waiver and took a leave of absence from Vassar College to join the Navy, even though the government thought that Grace's mathematics skills would be better used at home. But she overcame this obstacle too and joined the Midshipman†s School for Women. Grace graduated first in her class as Lieutenant Junior Grade Grace Murray Hopper. From there Grace was assigned to work at the Bureau of Ordnance Computation Project, at Harvard University, to work with computers. Hopper worked under Commander Howard Aiken, and helped work with the Mark I, the first computer automatically sequenced to calculate the angles for the naval guns when the weather is bad. Hopper continued to work on the Mark II and the Mark III. For her achievements with this series she was given the Naval Ordinance Award in 1946. After the War many of the WAVES went back to their normal lives, but Grace, having just divorced her husband Vincent Foster Hopper, wanted to stay in the Navy. But Grace had just turned forty and the maximum age was thirty-eight, so Grace had to leave. She stayed at the Harvard Computational Lab, still being a member of the Naval Reserves. In 1966, the Navy asked Hopper to retire again, but after seven months, they found they couldn't work without her and asked her return. Grace was asked to return to work for six months, but she ended up staying indefinitely. Upon graduating, Grace was assigned to the Bureau of Ordinance Computation at Harvard University. There she was greeted by Commander Howard Aiken who introduced her to Mark I as â€Å"a computer engine†. After coming acquainted with the device, Grace received her first mission from Aiken, which was â€Å"to have the coefficients for the interpolation of the arc tangents by next Thursday†. Officers Robert Campbell and Richard Bloch assisted her in the design of her computer program, which consequently made her the third person ever to program the first large-scale automatically sequenced digital computer in the world. When Grace was programming it, Mark I was being used to calculate the angles at which naval guns were to be aimed. A plethora of calculations were needed because the angles depended on weather conditions. Creating programs for the machine was similarly tedious for Grace and the company. â€Å"The coding sheets we used had three columns on the left [for code numbers] and we wrote comments on the right which didn't go into the computer,† as she said. The values were translated to punch tape, which was subsequently input into the computer. With the accustomed problems associated with the Mark development and the inherent difficulty in its programming, results were slow achievements. One of their many problems was the proverbial computer bug, except that this time it was a literal problem. During the building of the Mark II, the predecessor of the former computer engine, the computer suddenly and for no apparent reason stopped. Upon inspection of the computer, Grace and her team found a moth, which had flown into a relay from an open window. The moth had been pulverized by the relay and consequently had caused the device to fail. The term â€Å"bug† was thus popularized to signify any system malfunction. A new machine BINAC was soon developed programmed in the more effective C-10 language, which according to Grace, â€Å"has been the basis for most codes since. A was add, M was multiply, B was bring, C was clear; it was a beautiful code. † Performed in octal, the programs forced Grace to teach herself octal arithmetic, which she eventually mastered with great proficiency. She subsequently realized a need to simplify the computing process, to make it more layperson friendly. Grace pursued different avenues to achieve this goal. Grace created her first compiler with the Sperry Corporation in 1952. Known as the A-0, the system was a set of instructions that translated mathematical code into machine language. Later the A-1 and A-2 systems evolved under her direction, and became the forerunner to modern programming languages. She pioneered the integration of English into programs, as well, with the B-0 compiler, later to be known as the FLOW-MATIC. Targeted for business applications, Grace's machine were effectively using FLOW-MATIC to understand English phrases. By 1957 three major languages existed for computers: APT, FORTRAN, and FLOW-MATIC. Each language, however, could only operate on a specific platform, and with the proliferation of disparate languages the use of a single, uniform format came into demand. The universal language to remedy this problem was COBOL, and even though she was not involved in the project, much of which was based on Grace's FLOW-MATIC. Throughout Grace Hopper's life she achieved many awards that other women had never been recognized for. In 1964 she was awarded the Society of Women Engineers, SWE Achievement Award. Many people think of the Computer Sciences â€Å"Man of the Year Award† her greatest achievement. When she received this award in 1969, she was the first person ever assigned this award, and the first women to be presented any award by the Data Processing Management Association. Grace was the first woman to be inducted into the Distinguished Fellow British Computer Society in 1973. Grace also achieved many awards from the Colleges and Universities that she attended and taught at, such as the Upsilon Pi Epsilon, Honorary Member from Texas A&M; Honorary Doctor of Engineering, Newark College of Engineering; Wilbur Lucius Cross Medal and Yale University. Grace taught at many colleges and universities in her life and gave many motivational speeches, her favorite teaching aid was a piece of wire that was the length of a nanosecond (about one foot), the maximum distance electricity can travel in wire in one-billionth of a second. She would then compare the nano-second to the microsecond that was over a thousand feet long. On January 1, 1992, Grace Hopper died at the age of 85. Even after her death Grace continues to influence many peoples lives. The impact she had on the world of programming has changed computers forever. She also influenced the naval and other military services through her perseverance and her plans for the future. She refused to let anything get in the way of her success.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Foreign and indian education Essay

Anyone who has studied in Indian schools and colleges will vouch for the fact that Indian Education system churn out more engineers, doctors and MBAs in comparison to any other country in the world. This has partly got to do with the mentality of Indian parents who believe that sole purpose of educating their kids is to find a well paying job. In India, parents have a huge influence on the major life decisions of their children including which school or college they attend, what branch of education their kids pursue and even which job they take up later in life. No doubt this creates a huge pool of educated individuals but the quality leaves a lot to be desired. Indian Education System From a very young age it is ingrained in the minds of Indian children that the purpose of education is to find a suitable job. This creates an impression on the minds of these children which is difficult to correct at a later stage. Individual aptitude towards any vocation, interests in any particular stream is sacrificed in the pursuit of a degree, which makes them job ready. The consequences towards this approach of education is that in the short term there is a boom in the number of professionals however in the long term areas like researches, arts and allied areas take a beating. This is dangerous for a developing economy like India. This creates a rat race to get admission in reputed educational institutes right from school level putting pressure on youngsters to perform in subjects which might not necessarily appeal to them resulting in disappointment when unable to perform. Foreign Education System Foreign education, on the contrary in general and western education in particular focuses more on individual interests, learning abilities and aptitude towards any vocations. The social system also supports individual education to a great extend unlike India, the purpose of foreign education system is not to land a job to make a living but holistic development of individuals. The performance measurement and grading system in foreign countries encourages blooming of individuals talents in diverse fields and does not restrict children to mere classroom studies. This approach is more practical and suited to overall individual development. Hence the focus of foreign education system is creating individuals with a broad outlook towards all aspects and does not narrow the purpose of education just for the purpose of getting a job. Both approaches have their pros and cons while education system might create more professionals it definitely needs to broaden its scope and focus more on grooming tomorrow’s citizens who can lead the country in all areas. Foreign education system is more liberal in its attitude which can sometime proof counterproductive especially when children from different educational backgrounds experience it for the first time. If we are to compare both education systems, both have their own merits however looking at the broader picture all we can say is it is up to the individual. As Mark Twain, once said, â€Å"Don’t let schooling interfere with your child’s education!† Education is the key foundation for the success of any country and the betterment of any individual. However, given the culture and mindset of different races, there is a different approach towards education. And to be more precise, there is a difference between the approach towards education in the western countries and in India. Apparently, the fundamental is that there is a chalk and cheese difference in the objective of education in both sides. Apparently, the foreign students treat education more like a learning process. On the other hand, they choose the line they are interested in and go only for that course and line of career. In this process, they tend to wait for the right kind of job and don’t really consider time as a hindrance. On the other hand, the objective of education in India has more to do with a fat salaried job, overseas chances, better marriage prospects, status in society etc. However, analysts on both sides say there is a lot of difference in terms of competition, aptitude and the job markets in both hemispheres. While things are rather relaxed owing to the lesser population, more streamlined procedure and lack of unfair means, things are quite different when it comes to India. As such, money becomes the root cause since most of the higher end courses are taken on study loan. So, it is more about circumstances than choices for many students. However, to those who manage to get admission in the foreign schools, once adaptability is achieved, the path is set and clear. Also, given the infrastructure, access to various resources and other facilities, the quality tends to be higher in terms of conducive learning. Though changes are being noticed in India with top league B-Schools focusing on quality and better infrastructure, there is still that gap between foreign schools and Indian educational institutions. With globalisation happening rapidly and economies getting tighter in developed countries, changes are being noticed so let us see how things take shape.1)The big difference is whatever discarded theories we learn in india those theories are not lernt by foreign people 2)Most part of their education is covered under practicals Well to be practical foreign education is a bit better than Indian education but in a certain aspect. Let me just put some flashlight on few areas why Indian’s prefer foreign education: Jobs: This is the main reason why people go abroad and spend millions of money on it. Many students are directly placed in foreign companies and so they prefer foreign education. Other reasons why it is better is that there is a better understanding and relationship between teachers and students. Schools have an open environment of teaching and has got no shyness on topics such as sex. In India no topic such as sex is taught in any school. Students are encouraged to work on their own projects on science and incentives are provided to them. Here ther’s no such sort of a thing. You are on your own. But recently there has been a boom in our Indian education as we are developing and becoming better than other nations. Due to recession many students are now preferring to stay in India now and pursue their course here as in abroad IT sector is the major head of earnings in companies. Foreign companies are suffering a blow down thereby leading to decline in jobs. If we consider the management area, then yeah we may say that foreign is better in providing management degrees than India. We have here only 10-15 reputed colleges which offer good MBA degree. Of these 10-15 the competition is killing and you really need to tie your boots if you wanna get into them. Regarding Science scenario we are in with other nations. Consider for example the CERN EXPERIMENT. This experiment consisted of colliding two protons. The experiment was successful which was feared by many people as it would lead to collapse of earth planet. The CERN association consisted of more than 200 Indian scientists. I totally agree with Lenin’s statement about what he said on professional value of degree. If we do Phd. or masters degree from abroad it has a greater value than the one done from India. Rest I would say that its totally the mindset of the person who wishes to pursue his education either from India or foreign. Mostly students who pursue from abroad have a greater bank balance and so utilize money by showing their standards. Other reasons are that often students of rich families who are not able to get into top Indian colleges in engineering and mbbs head for abroad. Believe me its true. It happens in medical field. Many students pursue their MBBS from abroad due to non selection in Indian colleges. The basic and most important difference between the two educational systems is the stress on math that is given in India (and Europe, I have been told) at the elementary and high school level itself. Mathematics, in my humble opinion, teaches students logical and rational thinking – it lays the foundation of independent and lateral thinking. Indian schools start teaching maths, like multiplication tables, at the elementary level itself. It is given a lot of importance and is a must for students who plan to do science related study in college. On the other hand, high school in America is so flexible that a lot of students who end up majoring in sciences in college do not take advanced maths and calculus in high school. In general, I found that at the end of their 1st year of university, math majors in the US are equivalent to high school graduates in India in terms of math study. This emphasis on maths in high schools and engineering programs is also the reason why India produces so many â€Å"good† software engineers. The analytical thinking taught by mathematics is exactly what is required for software development. The flexibility of the American education system is its greatest strength and also its greatest weakness. Students can choose among a host of classes and courses in high school and college. This means they can change their major (i.e. field of study) midway through college. This usually means that students in the US receive more exposure to a variety of subjects and hence, are more aware of their career options and opportunities. However, the downside is that they can avoid taking courses which are hard in their major. The computer science students in my department in the US are often criticized for avoiding a lot of important computer science courses by taking easier courses from other departments that fulfill their degree requirements. On digging deeper into the root of the problem, I realized that the general problem with the American education (high school and college) system is that it is designed so as not to reduce/hurt the self-esteem of any kid in class. So, the system is designed in such a way that nearly everyone can pass the high-school level. This leads to lowering the standards at the high school, which in turn leads to lowering the standards for college entrance too and subsequent college programs. So, college students in, say, computer science, are learning much less and at a much slower pace than the students in computer science programs in India and Europe This is one of the main reasons why most of the graduate students in computer science in the US are foriegn students; American students are just not able to compete with the quality of foriegn student applicants. College education is becoming common place, with a large proportion of high school graduates opting for it. Universities are under pressure from state governments to take in more students, that is, in turn, leading to reduced quality and lower standards (quality*quantity=constant). Universities are just not able to cope with the quick increases and the corresponding lack of good faculty. The situation is not improving either ! People kick and scream about the fact that immigrants are taking over the country and the hi-tech jobs, but very few people are examining the reasons why this is happening. Most people are fiercely defensive about the country and refuse to believe that anything can be wrong with the country’s education system since they are the technology leaders. However, nobody realizes or admits that this, to a great extent, is due to brain inflow of immigrants from Asia (India included) and Europe. However, the flip side of the coin is that the Indian education and social systems are very hard on kids and completely ignore their feelings, opinions and ambitions. Kids are pushed to study from the age of 3 and non-performers are treated as dolts and ostracized by parents and society. The preferred choice of learning and teaching is memorizing facts. These facts do help in the long run; the multiplication tables we learned in elementary school keep us ahead of our American peers who need a calculator to find out what 6 times 7 is ! However, the memorization approach to study does not allow and teach kids to think independently. The American school system lays stress on individual ability development and encourages kids to express themselves and their opinions from an early age. As a result, most Americans are way better at getting their point across as compared to people from other countries. However, again, the downside of this is that students in the US who are more out-spoken do well in class and outside class too only because they are more effective speakers. In the Indian system, individuals are not asked to stand up infront of the whole class and recite something. Instead, the whole class reads books out aloud together in unison. This allows more timid students to participate and overcome their fear of public speaking (since they are actually speaking with a group). Individual speaking is only done with the teacher one-on-one during â€Å"oral† examinations, where students are asked questions on the subject matter. Both systems work, however, in the Indian system, just because you can’t speak well, does not mean you don’t do well in class. But students in the US build more self-confidence and are much better at public speaking. Indian students on the other hand find it hard to learn to speak up or express their opinions (I know those are really broad generalizations). Classroom discussion and asking questions to the professors is encouraged. However, in India, professors expect you to treat them like God and often use their almost dictorial powers against students who upset them in some way. On a different note, another observation I made, while I was a teaching assistant (TA) for a senior level (3rd-4th year) class of computer science undergraduates, is that their focus in class and attitude towards the course was completely exam-oriented (ofcourse, there were some highly motivated and intelligent students too). They constantly wanted to know if what was being discussed would be on the quiz or the final. Almost no one in the class was attempting to understand concepts. They wanted to learn to solve all the kinds of problems that may appear in the quiz. One may argue that this is a natural thing for students to want. But the fact of the matter is that the American college education system is industry-oriented and hence, is structured so that it produces people who can do a certain type of job efficiently. So it is like a custom-design factory which produces engineers/workers who can do one or two jobs very well but require massive retraining if they have to do something new. In contrast, the education in India (and Europe) is more towards teaching the basic concepts and a broader mass of information. The products of this education system, are therefore capable of taking up several different types of jobs and are not masters of any single job. To do any single job well, they have to go through some amount of training at work. Another realization that the other TA and myself made was that the students wanted to be â€Å"spoon-fed† and told exactly what they needed to do, in order to do well in the course. This mentality of always being told to read something, do some assignment and essentially, being given goal-oriented tasks to perform, works great when students are being trained to work in the industry. And this is an admirable goal – America is built on the strength of these students who can perform what they have been told to do. However, in the long run, these people are not able to adapt quickly to changes in the industry. And they are definitely not prepared to go to graduate school (for a master’s or a Phd). Graduate school is very different from undergraduate school. There is no single book being followed; the reading and writing assignments require paper chases and are ambiguously defined. Also, most courses do not have regular evaluations such as quizes etc. but rely on a final project or term paper – this makes it very hard for one to know how much effort one needs to put into the course. One has to come out of the â€Å"spoonfeed me† mode and learn to think independently. This lack of spoonfeeding in graduate school also means that one has to be motivated by themselves – especially in PhD programs. The amount that you get out of your master’s or PhD depends on the amount of work you put in (more work also means faster graduation). There is no one motivating you to work harder or checking on your progress regularly. (By the way, my arguments in the Master’s versus PhD debate are available here) Something I would like to stress is that the situation I have described is for public universities in the US. Private liberal arts universities provide much better personalized attention to students besides a broader education. Also, non-science programs are stronger in general in the US due to the fact that they follow regular quarter or semester systems – in India, non-science programs usually have year long schedules with exams at the end of the year, whereas in the US, these programs have regular quizes and exams like all other science programs. On the other hand, most university students in India waste their whole year doing nothing; attendence requirements are very low and usually can be bypassed. Overall, I feel that the high school system in the US leaves students at a disadvantage when compared to their peers in India, Europe and perhaps the rest of Asia too. Some Americans cannot point out all the states in the United States on a map, let alone know anything about India (read the humorous commonly asked questions about India or watch Jay Leno’s street walk). This leads me to conclude that an Indian education is overall better atleast till the undergraduate degree (for engineering). However, graduate programs in the US are probably far ahead of most other countries due to the critical mass they have and the fact that they attract the best students and faculty from all over the world.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Psychology Lession3 and Part 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Psychology Lession3 and Part 2 - Essay Example In the former, the response is a reflex, whereas in the latter, the response is nothing but a neutral piece of behaviour which has occurred previously. In operant conditioning, the event between the response and the reinforcement is unforeseen, whereas in classical conditioning, there is no such event. No environmental consequences are seen with classical conditioning unlike in operant conditioning. Also, the response in classical conditioning is involuntary and that in operant conditioning is voluntary. Example of classical conditioning: A cologne may result in intense emotion, but this is not due to the smell of the cologne but because the smell was previously associated with that particular emotion. 1. Recall: In this type of memory retrieval the information will be accessed without being cued with any memory part. A good example of this type of memory retrieval is answering fill-up-the-blank questions. 2. Recollection: In this memory retrieval reconstruction of memory occurs with the utilization of certain logical structures, partial memories and narratives. A good example of recollection type of memory retrieval is answering an essay question in exam. 3. Recognition: Identification of information after re-experiencing is known as recognition. A good example of this type of retrieval is answering a multiple choice question where you recognize the answer after seeing it in one of the choices. 4. Relearning: In this type, the information which is already learnt is relearnt, thus making it easier to remember the information and retrieve it more easily. This type of memory retrieval strengthens the memory. Disruption of memory retrieval can be explained by decay theory. According to this theory, traces of memory begin to fade and gradually disappear over a period of time. Hence if information is not retrieved and rehearsed at regular intervals it can get

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Health insurance should be free Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Health insurance should be free - Essay Example This essay aims at showing the various reasons, both social and economic, as to why health insurance should be made free. Although the move to provide free health insurance has some disadvantages the purpose of this essay is to show how the positive side of free health insurance compares with the negative side. One among the major problems facing health-care access around the world and especially North America (U.S. and Canada) is poor access to health services. Due to poor income distribution, the affordability of health care has deteriorated from 2001 to 2005 and further from 2008 towards the end of 2014 (Bureau of Labor Statistics, para. 2-4). Among the reasons limiting access to health care is poor income distribution. For the middle and high-class social classes, health care costs are manageable and provoke few to no major affordability issues. Health care affordability means the ability of an individual to meet his/her medical care costs through self-sponsorship or employer-paid insurance cover. In order to ensure that health care affordability is accessible to members of the public, it is in the best interest of the public to either access income generating opportunities to unify accessibility or to have health care made free to everyone. The latter case is much practical and medical cover is a basic need to every individual. Unlike with the case of luxury and overall cost of living, health care should be made free and accessible to all citizens such that low income-earners can have the same accessibility as high-income earners. Due to the problem of income distribution and unemployment, it is documented that some countries such as the U.S. have a high number of uninsured people. As of 2012, 46% of adults aged between 19 and 64 years did not have insurance cover for the whole year. Based on the population in 2012, 46% of the adult population

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Pick one of the following articles and write on the questions Essay

Pick one of the following articles and write on the questions presented - Essay Example eliefs and values, shared cultural symbols, meanings and code of conduct.† (Shtarkshall, Santelli, & Hirsch, 2007) Once children and adolescents begin to interact with society, they learn more about sexuality through mass media and by observing the norms of society within its particular cultural and religious contexts. Thus, they gain diversified knowledge about the attitudes and views of society regarding sex-related issues like socially-accepted gender roles and social taboos like abortion, birth control etc. â€Å"†¦cultures around the world socialize boys and girls through both, direct and indirect means, to understand their gender roles in society.† (Ember & Ember, 2003) Thus, children and adolescents develop their social and sexual identities from their parents and society that transfer their cultural/religious values and beliefs in them. As education and socialization are different modes of teaching children and adolescents about sex, therefore, sex education is incomplete without either of these modes. Teenagers should be educated about sex in schools and parents should set examples through role-playing about positive sexual behaviors and equal gender roles at home. According to Shtarkshall, Santelli, & Hirsch (2007), most teens would prefer to learn about sex from schools. This conclusion is based on studies conducted in Israel and the United Kingdom, in which adolescents were asked about their preferred source of sexual education. A majority of the students expressed their desire to learn about sex in their schools rather than their homes. This is because many teenagers believe that parents cannot impart complete knowledge on sexuality. Another reason why teenagers cannot learn about sex from their parents is because in many families, parents do not discuss such subjects openly. Even if they do, it occurs between some members of the family like mothers, daughters etc. Fathers are often found to be hesitant in discussing anything about sex or

Friday, July 26, 2019

Memo Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Memo - Assignment Example â€Å"The pursuit of health care quality has led to substantial performance measurement initiatives† (Larson & Muller, 2002, p. 261). Quality initiatives also help in reducing operational costs of healthcare organizations (Micheletti, & Mannis, 2004). For Newton Managed Care, some of the main benefits that quality management program can bring with it include increased public satisfaction, improved image of the company, improved employee performance, and improved organizational performance. Having discussed the significance of quality management program for Newton Managed Care, let us now discuss ten characteristics of a quality program, which include customer focus, continuous improvement, employee involvement, continuous supervision, process oriented, establishing the metrics, monitoring the metrics, improving public perception, an all-inclusive package, and ease of applicability. Let us discuss each of these characteristics one by one. Customer focus is one of the main characteristics of a quality program. A quality-oriented healthcare organization focuses the needs of the patients all through the process of delivery of healthcare because they are the main drivers who can ensure success of the organization. If a company does not provide the highest level of quality treatment to the patients, it can never gain public trust. Therefore, health companies give extreme importance to the provision of quality treatment to patients in order to ensure quick success and growth. Next major characteristic of a quality program is that it is always geared towards continuous improvement. A company adhering to the principles of quality management brings continuous improvement in its services in order to ensure an increase in the public satisfaction level. A healthcare company can achieve continuous improvement only by integrating quality in all phases of any disease treatment program because a fraction of negligence can lead to severe health problems

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Portfolio 6 - Lesson Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Portfolio 6 - Lesson Plan - Essay Example Books and computers will be utilized in order to help the student gain an idea of the type of Khattai he or she would like to make. Students will then trace books or print copies of Khattai with carbon paper. Traced image will then be put on to cardboard. This will be done by putting the carbon paper on the over-head projector. This allows the image to project so students may produce larger productions. Task 2: Students will go over traced image on cardboard with marker. Students will need to be able to touch up all missed spots. Traced image will then be checked and then cut out from the card-board. The cut out will have aluminium foil placed over it. Tape will then be placed over cut out and allowed to dry. Clean up and/or pack up: Students will clean up materials. As this lesson is done in three stages, students will put their materials in their box assigned per table. Boxes will then be stored in the area designated for their class. 2. It will help to think of the Lesson Plan as the script for a face-to-face encounter with your class. Therefore each time you list an action or directive you need to be clear why you are doing this and specify how it will be achieved. This may lead to further lesson

Who am I Personal autobiography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Who am I Personal autobiography - Essay Example Difficulties in my growing years molded my character when it comes to endurance which proved to be vital in a future stepping stone, the navy. There were times I felt so terrible because of disappointments to myself when I fail in an endeavor but as I looked around and saw others committing mistakes yet never giving up, I learned to encourage myself. Controlling my emotions was one of the things I learned because I have learned that being emotional could break a person. This could probably one of the things that have strongly influenced me to consider discipline and determination to be my friends and little victories, my comfort. I am family oriented and I value education for myself. Having grown in a closely-knit family, the value of it has deeply been rooted in my heart so that treasuring family members has become a part of me. I believe that family comes first in a married man’s life because there would be no other people more concerned of an individual than a bloodline. To day, there could be home cares for elders where family members could be nursed however; there would still be no better place like home and no better people to look after an aged person than a family member. Entering the navy in 1989 with the full support of my family, I knew I was taking a jump of a great distance that could either make or break me knowing the discipline the opportunity has in store for me.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Strategic Analysis of Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Strategic Analysis of - Essay Example is an on-line retail company established in 1994 by Jeff Bezos and based in Seattle, Washington, U.S.A. The company, ranked 273 last year amongst Fortune 500 companies in America, began as a seller of books through the Internet but has grown into what is essentially a technology and logistics business enterprise, selling services such as Web hosting and supply chain management, and brand new and used products purchased from distributors, manufacturers, and publishers. The company operates seven retail Web sites, two search and navigation sites, and a movie database site (, 2006a). As of December 13, 2006 the company had annual revenues of $9.7 billion, EBITDA of $567 million, net income of $292 million, and some 12,000 employees worldwide. Table 1 shows a summary of how NASDAQ-listed compares with its competitors in the Internet Software and Services such as e-Bay and Barnes and Noble (, 2006). Amongst the various manners of conducting a strategic analysis, this paper will focus on popular techniques such as SWOT (Ansoff, 1965; Chandler, 1962), PESTEL (Andrews, 1987), and Porter’s Five Forces model and Generic Strategies (Porter, 1980 and 1985). SWOT-PESTEL For this first part, we combine the SWOT-PESTEL approach. The SWOT analysis is so-called because of the acronym of four factors required for assessing the organisation’s internal (Strengths and Weaknesses) and external (Opportunities and Threats) environments. The PESTEL analysis considers six environmental factors that affect the enterprise and its business: Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental, and Legal. The strengths of are its customer-centred focus, the quality of its technology infrastructure, supply chain management experience, its brand name, and its huge database of global customers. Amongst its major weaknesses are product innovation (it sells for others), technology infrastructure utilisation, and a sagging stock price (down 22.3% in the last year) that opens it to takeover risk from other Internet (e-Bay and Google) or software (Microsoft) giants. The more important opportunities are the growth of on-line shopping and the need to innovate products and services to continue growing sales to generating higher margins and profits. These would address the threat from an increasing number of competitors that are eating into the business activity (on-line shopping) it used to dominate. The following PESTEL factors affect the industry and Political: American legislation on taxation of on-line transactions threatens to reduce usage and margins. Economic: Slowdown in consumer spending in countries with high Internet penetration would drag down profits and margins. Retail giants (Wal-Mart and Tesco) would compete with Internet service providers. Social: Potential backlash from Internet users and competing brick-and-mortar retail shops that discover the anti-social effects of on-line transactions. Technological: Web 2.0 Internet technology is deemed to have a different set of users and protocols that may attract new upstart dotcoms as competitors. The fast obsolescence of the company's technology needs to be utilised and depreciated quickly. Security concerns of on-line transactions remain. Environmental: Server farms are ugly and consume huge amounts of energy. Legal: The risk of identity theft opens Internet companies to

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Answering one of the following questions Research Paper

Answering one of the following questions - Research Paper Example However, citizenship to any state comes with duties and responsibilities and USA is not an exception. Becoming US citizen occurs through two significant processes including being born in USA when the parents are American citizens. Another way for foreigners is by naturalization. This involves an application to become US citizen after staying in USA for some time. The great depression affected US policies through the implementation of then president Franklin Delano Roosevelt in his New Deal1. Before the great depression on October 29, 1929, when stock market crashed, American citizens had adopted a new lifestyle of spending more on consumable goods. At the same time between 1922 and 1928, many Americans estimated at 1.5 million had bought stocks while seeing it as an easy way to make ‘fast’ money2. American women had no rights of choosing lifestyle such as smoking. In 1904, one woman was arrested for smoking in public in New York City3. In the period before the depression, American women and their children’s citizenship depended on their race and marriage. Under the naturalization act of 1907, any American born woman would lose her nationality citizenship if they were married to noncitizens. In addition, during the period between 1855 and 1930s, children born overseas to women born in United States did not automatically become US citizens but they would only if their fathers were Americans4. The constitution mediated the nationality of women through races and marriages. In the early 1930s, women through use of women’s group pressured for removal of the barriers to independent nationality. In early in 1700s, aliens obtained US citizenship by living in the country for a minimum of 5 years. This allowed African-Americans taken as slaves to obtain American citizenship. The process involved two sections of 3 years staying in US then applying to become citizens. Two additional years were required to petition application in court. Between 1900 and

Monday, July 22, 2019

Tonnage of the world Essay Example for Free

Tonnage of the world Essay A View From The Bridge is about a family, who live in Red Hook, the gullet of New York, which swallows the tonnage of the world. This family of three, comprising of an Uncle, Aunty and niece, are ordinary working class citizens who try to deal with some common, and uncommon problems in their lives. These problems include growing up and learning to let go, and conflicts with other relatives. From the first few lines of dialogue, I thought that Eddie and Catherine had a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship because when Catherine says Hi, Eddie! the stage directions tell us that Eddie is pleased and therefore shy about it To me, it seems that one would not be shy when ones niece said Hi, and also Eddie was pleased about it which led me to believe that the nature of their relationship was of that sort. Catherine buys a new skirt, which Eddie thinks is too short. Catherine tells Eddie that its the style now and that it isnt too short when she stands up. Eddie retaliates by saying that shes gotta sit down sometimes. Catherine carries on by saying if you see me walkin down the street to which Eddie quickly reacts by saying that shes walkin wavy. Catherine is adamant that shes not walking wavy, but then Eddie says that he dont like the looks theyre givin her in the candy store. This conflict is caused at the beginning of the play by Catherine growing up, and attracting the attention of male admirers, something that Eddie doesnt seem to like. Beatrice thinks that Eddie treats Catherine like a baby, as when she has the opportunity to become a stenographer, Eddie comes out with a feeble excuse to persuade her to not to take the job; I know that neighbourhood, B. I dont like it. Beatrice then says to Eddie that if nothin happened to her in this neighbourhood it aint gonna happen no place else, and makes a personal attack on him by saying shes seventeen years old, you gonna keep her in the house all her life? Beatrice doesnt understand Eddie as she thinks that he wants Catherine to have a good job, earning good money, but then he treats her like a child, so I think that Beatrice views Eddies relationship with Catherine as a father-daughter relationship; Eddie acting overprotective, and trying to make Catherines decisions for her. Rodolfo and Marco arrive in America, which has a dramatic impact on Eddies and Catherines relationship. As soon as Rodolfo arrives, we see that Catherine is attracted to him. She is enthralled by his singing and wondrously in love with his hair. When Catherine and Rodolfo go to the Brooklyn Paramount, Eddie tries to have a private conversation with Catherine, hinting at Rodolfo to go away. Catherine sticks up for Rodolfo saying, why dont you talk to him Eddie? He blesses you, and you dont talk to him hardly. This gives Eddie the chance to be ironic by saying, I bless you and you dont talk to me. Eddie feels that Catherine is running away from him, hence making their relationship together drift further and further apart. There is strong evidence that Eddie doesnt like Catherine going out with Rodolfo when they go to see a film at the Brooklyn Paramount. Eddie tells Beatrice that Rodolfo gives him the heebie-jeebies, and that he sings on the ships. Beatrice asks Eddie why he doesnt want Catherine Rodolfo to get married, as hes a nice fella, hard workin, and that hes good lookin. Also, Eddie seems to have a problem with Rodolfos wacky hair and that he just hopes thats his regular hair. Eddie is trying to insinuate that Rodolfo is gay or homosexual. Beatrice thinks Eddies crazy or sumpm, and tries to ignore his ridiculous remarks. Eddie also is very paranoid as he waits for Rodolfo and Catherine outside the house, treating them as little children; Its after eight. In the boxing scene, Eddie shows Rodolfo couple a passes, whilst everyone else watches them. Rodolfo dont know how to, but Eddie insists that he does. Beatrice asks Eddie whats he got to learn that for? and Eddies response is that somebodys liable to step on his foot or sumpm. Beatrice then tells Rodolfo to go ahead, as Eddies a good boxer and that he could learn from him. Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Catherine is making coffee, unaware what is going on in the other room. When Catherine does come in the room, she asks Beatrice what are they doin? with alarm. Beatrice replies by telling her that hes teachin him, and that hes very good! in a calm and relaxed way, as she only senses the comradeship, until Eddie mildly staggers Rodolfo, causing Marco to rise and Catherine to panic, shouting Eddie! After this incident, Rodolfo asks Catherine to dance, to the song, Paper Doll, which he sang when he arrived in the flat. This shows us that Rodolfo is standing up to Eddie, as when he first sang the song, Eddie told him to stop, in case he got picked up. Instead, he decided to dance to it, which is a safer option and may make Eddie a little bit angry. Meanwhile, Eddie sits down in his chair, when Marco places a chair in front of him. He asks Eddie Can you lift this chair? to which Eddie replies, What do you mean? Marco shows Eddie to lift it from the back, using only one arm. Eddie tries twice, but fails. By now, everyone is watching as Marco lifts the chair higher and higher, until the chair is raised over his head. Marco then smiles, triumphantly, leaving Eddie to absorb his look, and making him look weak and inferior; perhaps a warning telling him not to overstep the mark. In the boxing scene, each character feels differently towards Eddie, whether it is they feel threatened by Eddie, by him causing them direct anger, or by him causing anger, indirectly and vice versa. An example of direct anger being when Rodolfo was hit by Eddie, causing him anger as a result of Eddies action towards him. An example of indirect anger was when Rodolfo was hit by Eddie, causing Catherine anger, but not directly from Eddie towards her.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Leadership in Paramount Furniture

Leadership in Paramount Furniture I am working in the paramount furniture and our organization running from 1989. We make a sofa sets, bed, bed sofa with New Zealand products. The organization located in 12 FG Dalgety Drive, Wiri, Auckland, New Zealand. The email address is [emailprotected] and our website is I am the leader of one team in paramount furniture. The vision and value of paramount furniture are, we are make sure we will be one of the best furniture company in the New Zealand, making new and loyal customers with good quality of products, open new branches in out of the Auckland, the paramount furniture making a plane dealing with international companies and making good quality of products for customers. My team members are apricate with visions and values. They follow the all rules and regulations, they all are honest, hard worker and all are good communicator. I received feedbacks from customers about the products and then I held a meeting with my team member for telling the ir performance about their work. All customers are happy with the paramount furnitures products so that means my team member understand the companys vision and values. I am the leader of the one team in paramount furniture and I applied some time participative leadership while working in a team. It is good leadership style with working in the team on project. For example, When I need some suggestion regarding the project work, I asked to my team member give their own views then after the team members review I put all members views on the project and which idea is good for project, so I going with those ideas. In this way team member work with me and they give lots of ideas about the project work. Â   Â   Â   Some time I working with autocratic leadership. For example, if any team member didnt follow the rules of company so I mark their absent according to the companys handbook. Either if any team member come late daily I mark their absent for first tea break and said to him get out from here now. In this way, all team member will follow the companys rules and they concentrate on the project work, if they concentrate on the work the project will be finish easily in managed time. The work start in paramount furniture at 9oclock and I reach there at 8:30 am and set all the things about the work. I wear companys uniform while working which is showing the health and safety and all members come factory come early and wear proper uniform and all members know about the vision and values of paramount furniture so, all are working hard in factory and making a good products and new customers also. when we start working on the project, my behavior for my team members is like a friend and a family member not like a leader. In this way, all team member feel free and they work very well on the project. Good communication is the big difference between a company with a vision and values statement and a company with a clear sense of vision is that a company with a clear sense of vision to his employees who have very strong alignment with the organizations core values. According to the working style I have made the vision plane for my team members I know it will be good for achieving goals and objectives. With the help of this plan all team member can concentrate on the project and they work according to the vision and values of the company. On the other hand, in the paramount furniture there are different people from different culture who are working and I have to understand all the culture because it is important for me and for companys production. If I understand all peoples culture they apricate with me and doing work properly. In this way, I can motivate the all member easily and terms to achieve the companys goals and objectives. Moving further, first I gave the coaching to all team member about the project and how we can make it fast and easy and manage the time. If we work in a team our behavior should be very friendly and we should treat all team members like a family members. I am the leader so I should know about which members behavior is good or bad and if anybody have a bad behavior its my responsibility to teach them about good behavior in team. For example- there is 2 boys which are in my team they fight every time while the working and they didnt do work properly so one day I called those boys in meeting room and listen their problems. They didnt talk with each other after the meeting I solved their problems. Then I called meeting of team members and ask everyone if anybody have any problem with anybody tell me and I also told about the work in discipline with the team members. Task 2 Section 1 Behavioral expectation I making a gathering meeting of all my team members and give the information what does the vision and values of our company have and what they expected from you, the all vision and values also related with the clients needs, I give the all discussion which should be good at all time for the team members in the project working. I also told about our team rules to all members like- All members should be come factory at a time. Good and positive attitude with other members. Hard working while work in a team or on a task. All worker should be wear proper uniform while working. No mobile phone using while working. Performance agreements After finish the project I made performance agreements for all the members. This agreement shows their Responsibilities, outcomes and Actual performance. Minutes of meeting In the meeting, we decide the problem about the work with all team members and then give the possible solutions for solving the problem also tell about the work process according to the time management. Date- 7-03-2017 Time- 10:00 am to 10:30 am Place- Paramount staff room

Poor communities relocation to Braamfischerville

Poor communities relocation to Braamfischerville Chapter 1: Introducing the study area Introduction â€Å"There is a crisis in housing in the third world. Large increases in the urban population of third world countries have dramatically increased the demand for housing. ‘traditional values, and increases in urban population have resulted in the deterioration of housing conditions in larger cities† (Aldrich and Sandhu, 1995). As quoted above, housing has really been a problem in third world countries, of which South Africa is considered to be, as much as population increases has been emphasized South Africa has another distinctive and very effective factor that affected housing and development, namely apartheid, prior 1994 apartheid laws restricted the non-white population of South Africa from residing where-ever and whenever they wanted. The influx laws that controlled the movement of the non-white population were further emphasized by limited amounts of money put forth for the development of black communities. De Loor (1995:158) as cited by Oosthuizen (2002) points out that from an initial amount of R402 million that was transferred to the Department of housing during 1990/1991 for national housing developments only R4 million was used the black communities development and revolving fund, this amount only constitutes about 1% of the total amount. It is as a result of this that there were an increased nu mber of informal settlements in South Africa. After being elected as president after the first democratic elections in 1994 then President Nelson Mandela promised the South African citizens a better life for all (RDP white paper, 1994:1), a better life for all includes better living standards such as better housing, clean water, electricity, safety and better health care and etc. With the aim of achieving the goals put forth by President Nelson Mandela the Reconstruction and Development Program (RDP) was initiated early 1994. This program was mainly aimed at developing South Africa to a better country socially and economical especially the poor. The question at hand currently is whether this has been achieved thus far, Sowman and Urquhart (1998) as cited by Moolla (2008) points out that informal settlements consisting of self-built squatter camps made from a variety of materials such as corrugated iron, plastic, tin cans, wood, and cardboard are still prevalent in South African cities, this also implies that living conditions ar e difficult and very unhealthy. There are many localities in South Africa where such informal settlements are found so, with still the aim of improving the lives of South Africans the government continued the RDP and built low-cost houses for the poor. These areas where theses RDP house are being built became of much interest to academics and they became good research areas. In 2008 Raheesa Moolla of the Department of Geography, Environmental Management and Energy Studies, University of Johannesburg conducted a study on one of these newly developed areas namely, Braamfischerville, her research was aimed at understanding whether the residence of Braamfischerville where satisfied with their new homes. This research showed much dissatisfaction by the community, it shows an increase in dissatisfaction levels from 37.3% in 2002 to 44.5% in 2008 (Moolla, 2008), this is just general dissatisfaction including factors such as housing qualities and sanitation. The results from the above mentioned research stimulates an interest as to whether Braamfischerville is different from where most this people come from or not? It is important to understand this so more effective solutions can be found to put these people out of their misery. Research Questions and aims This research is aimed at understanding what new changes, if any, that the move to Braamfischerville has brought to its community, whether their satisfaction level has changed for the better or worse. The research further more aims at answering the following questions: What is the cause to such increases in dissatisfaction levels by the community? What is the communitys perception on Braamfischerville as compared to where they come from? What improvements can be made to Braamfischerville in order to make it a better place? With great considerations, this research can contribute to the governments goal to providing a better life for all by drawing attention to what the people really need i.e. what they want the government to do in order to improve their lives. Study area: Location and History Braamfischerville is located on the outskirts of Soweto, south west Johannesburg, some few kilometers away from Dobsonville (see figure 1) thus forming one of the 87 townships (Wikipedia contributors, 2009) found in Soweto characterized by formal and informal settlements, squatter settlements and shanty towns. Braamfischerville is predominantly composed of RDP houses, 30m2 on a 250m2 plot, consisting of an open plan, bedroom, lounge and kitchen, and a separate toilet (Moolla, 2008). In total Braamfischerville is made up of four phases (namely phase 1, 2, 3 4) with only main roads having been tarred since the beginning of this development in 1996. On this report only phase 1 will be investigated. Phase 1 is composed of approximately 3000 houses (Moolla, 2009; Personal communication) predominantly RDP houses, bond houses and squatter settlements. Though the governments aim with these developments was to provide basic services, such as shelter, running water, sewerage and electricity, and amenities, such as schools and clinics, in the Sowetan newspaper as cited by Moolla (2008), Mohlale (2002) reported that many of these services are still absent in this area after six years of development. Methodology In 2008 the University of Johannesburg conducted a questionnaire survey on housing satisfaction amongst the Braamfischerville residents, this survey was a revalidation of a survey of the same kind that was conducted by the former Vista University (Now known as University of Johannesburg Soweto campus) both these studies used the same survey. As this is a small scale report and posses just small differences the questionnaire from 2008 was just used as a guideline and thus some minor modifications where done. Out of the four phases that make up Braamfischerville only one phase was chosen as the target for this research, namely Phase 1. A random sample of 30 questionnaires was conducted to achieve the objective of this study. The questionnaires where answered by means of interviewing residents of RDP homes, squatter settlements and bond houses of Braamfischerville Phase 1. The questionnaire looked at demographics; socio-economical and number of years these residents resided at Braamfischerville furthermore it also aimed at understanding where most of the residents resided before Braamfischerville, the main aim of the survey was to compare Braamfischerville to where most of these residents come from thus, to achieve that, the questionnaire also looked at availability of services and accessibility of basic amenities to the residents and, as a result the comparison was scaled on a scale of 3 (where 1 is worse; 2 the same and; 3 better) and thus conclusion was drawn based on this comparison between Braamfischerville and where most residents resided before. The results of the questionnaire were captured using Microsoft excel and thus statistical analysis were conducted which resulted in graphs presented in this report. The 2008 report was used as guideline for comparative purposes. As completion of report, as will be seen in the next part, literature review was done on what has been written in regards to housing the poor, and the progress thereof. The rest of the report will be based on results from site visitation and validation, if any, of literature based on the topic of study. Chapter 2: Low cost housing defined and explained Radikeledi (2007) cites Meng et al. (2004:88) as they define low cost housing, the define it as â€Å"a type of low profit commodity housing with government subsidies and policy support aimed at providing a large number of decent homes for middle and lower-middle income house holds.† RDPs function and continuation â€Å"The RDP endorses the principle that all South Africans have a right to a secure place in which to live in peace and dignity.One of the RDPs first priorities is to provide for the homeless† (Bond, 2008). Furthermore Bond (2008) mentions key things that RDP housing must provide as follows: Protection from weather; A durable structure; Reasonable living space and privacy; Sanitary facilities; Storm-water drainage systems; Electricity and; Convenient access to clean water. To ensure that these goals are achieved the Johannesburg City council in the financial year 2007/2008 allocated a budget to the different departments. RDPs progress in Johannesburg Knight (2001:1) as cited by Radikeledi (2007) states the goal that was set by the African National Congress (ANC) after winning the election in 1994 that they will ensure that with RDP 200 000 houses will be built annually until all South African citizens are fully accommodated, especially the previously disadvantaged. In contrast, the delivery of RDP homes has been heavily criticized, not only in Johannesburg but all over South Africa. 14 years into democracy still, a variety of self made informal settlements are still prevalent in South African cities (Moolla, 2008). One of the major criticisms against the delivery of RDP homes has been the procedures followed in order for one to obtain such a house. Marx and Royston (2007) identifiers three ways in which people find opportunities to access land: Through legal procedures involving local authorities, councilor and municipal officials. Family and friendship network. Information and assistance provided by the committee members through community meetings. Ndaba (2003) as cited by Moolla (2008) found that allocation of low cost homes in South Africa was undermined by corruption and malpractice from the officials. Furthermore Moolla (2008) cites The Star newspaper (Radler, 2008) which reveals that some 830 000 people have been on the waiting list since 1994 and are still waiting for their homes. Living conditions in RDP homes ‘Matchbox House is it may be known to many, RDP homes are generally a 30m2 house on a 250m2 plot (Moolla, 2008). As cited by Moolla (2008), Haggard (2006) states that a typical RDP house consists of a toilet, open lounge, two bedrooms, kitchen and dining area (Haggard, 2006). However, Moolla (2008) states that not all RDP houses are constructed in this layout but are rather made up of an open lounge, kitchen and single bedroom with no dividing walls, and a separate toilet. Furthermore, Dangor (1998) compares the RDP houses to the old apartheid matchbox houses and in this comparison no difference was found as far as standard is concerned but much difference in size as matchbox houses are rather slightly bigger than the RDP houses was noted. Part of the objective of the RDP was the availability and accessibility of basic services and amenities respectively. Amenities include schools, clinics and transport however, Moolla (2008) states that many of these services are still absent in these areas. It is due to the absence of basic services and poor infrastructure that dissatisfaction levels regarding the area has increased by 7.2% within a period of six years i.e. 2002 2008. Chapter 3: Demographics and socio-economical characteristics of inhabitants This chapter will present findings on demographics and socio-economic characteristic of the inhabitants, also to be looked will be proximity from basic amenities and delivery of services to the residents. Research shows that migration into phase one has been trending since 1996 this can indicate the unavailability of houses in the years of low migration. Demographic and socio economic characteristics. In this regard, to be looked at is the number of people occupying per household, dominating gender and employment status of these residents. Furthermore to be looked will be where the employed portion of the residents got employed i.e. in Braamfischerville or before the got to Braamfischerville. Braamfischerville Phase 1 is dominantly composed of households consisting of 3 4 people per house, and rather astonishingly it is dominated by females. Also evident from table 3.1 is that most these residents are aged between 31 and 40, educational qualifications show that most these people, especially the dominant age group, have at least a grade 12/matric qualification but yet employment levels are really low and thus most of the population is self employed by means of small businesses such as spaza shops and other retail services. A rather fascinating finding is that, as much as the governments aim with the RDP is to empower the poor statistics show that 27% of residents in phase 1 are renting the property they live on from owners who do not even live in the neighborhood. This puts much emphasis and reasoning to the criticisms mentioned in the previous chapter as far as RDP housing distribution is concerned. Proximity to basic services and amenities Braamfischerville appears to be rather dominated by Spaza shops with one large Spar supermarket for formal groceries. There was no clinic, police station or pension pay out point seen in phase 1, residents complain that to get these services they are forced to go to Dobsonville which is located just e few kilometers from their homes. Overall delivery of services is rather poor in this area as the most important services are located very far from residents and they have to pay transport to get to them. Living in Braamfischerville Having to have looked at demographics, socio-economic characteristics as well as proximity from basic services residents where asked to compare Braamfischerville to where they resided before. The majority of residents prefer to have rather remained where they come from. Reasons for such dissatisfaction from residents include that stated by Moolla (2008) of poor infrastructure, houses are leaking, poor service by municipality, absence of police for security reasons, no tarred road, unemployment, poor sanitation, no library and recreational facilities and unreliable transport systems. These results are of much surprise as the government intentions with areas such as Braamfischerville is to make sure everyones needs are satisfied. A large number of Braamfischerville residents come from areas such as Meadowlands and Alexandra; these areas are perceived to be of rather unhealthy, unsafe and just poor living conditions thus, to understand these results literature review was conducted about the most prominent area where these people come from. An overview on Alexandra Established in 1905, Alexandra is thus the oldest township in Gauteng but also one of the poorest of the province. Alexandra is located north east of Johannesburg some 3kms away from Sandton. It is characterized by lack of infrastructure, overcrowding and high rates of crime. The lunchbox fund (2008) highlights that this overcrowding has put much pressure on service delivery thus most shacks have no electricity and only 65% of household have access to piped water. Alexandra is made up of three different regions separated by the Jukskei River. To the west of the river one encounters the Old Alexandra predominantly composed of informal dwellings, three hostels and a block of flats, just to the east of the river lies East Bank which is predominantly middle class households. The Far East Bank which was developed recently is composed mainly of RDP houses (Wilson, 2008). Unlike other townships, Alexandra is rather very small, extending over approximately 800 hectares of land and ironically is home to about 350 000 people (Dlamini, 2008). Wilson (2008) reveals that of the 350 000 people, 70 % of them where young people aged below 15 and 35 years with a 1:1.22 ratio between male (60%) and female (61%). Former President Thabo Mbeki allocated a budget of R1.3 billion to the development of Alexandra in February 2001 (Dlamini, 2008). This budget was to be spread over seven years but when 2008 came was extended by two more years. This budget gave rise to the Alexandra Renewal Project (ARP) which then initiated the project by building about 90 000 RDP structures and also renewed the hostels and built a clinic. The ARP is still active and is renewing Alexandra to a suitable place for all. â€Å"The de-densification process has been highly successful. The relocation exercise since 2001 to new developments in Dieplsloot, Braamfischerville and Far East Bank extensions provided approximately 11 000 families with new homes. The ARP Housing strategy envisage the further relocation of 15 000 families out of Alexandra† (Dlamini, 2008). Conclusions As a result of poor services and unavailability of basic amenities, 63% of Braamfischerville residents are very dissatisfied with their new homes and prefer to have stayed where the resided before Braamfischerville or be relocated to a better area. The overview on Alexandra has shown that there is much progress in the development of the township, further more, all amenities that are absent in Braamfischerville are present in Alexandra, the only advantage Braamfischerville has over Alexandra would be that if these people had remained in Alexandra they would possible still be living in shacks and other informal dwellings not that they would complain much as research has shown that 44.5% of the population is not satisfied with the houses in general either way. This dissatisfaction levels will continue to grow until the government intervenes and start targeting areas of low satisfaction levels and attend to all basic needs, this will result in RDP houses being homes where people live with pride in and not show the clear distinction between the poor and the wealthy.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Social Responsibilities of businesses :: essays research papers

"Outline the argument for and against business having social responsibilities beyond that of making a profit. In the light of this, do you think businesses should make charitable donations to the Tsunami appeal? Justify your answer." 26th April 2005 To best understand the nature of the posed question I propose the articulated finding of the widespread acceptance that cooperate official and labour leaders have a 'social responsibility' that extends beyond the realm of serving shareholder and its members (Friedman 1962, p. 133). The following essay is aimed at highlighting the role of businesses, whether they are to have interest other than solely making profit and if so what groups should benefit from the success of a company. According to Wilson (2004, Vol.23, p. 23) arguments, the nature of existence for business or corporations should be 'everything to do with service to society, and only secondarily to do with profitability.' But this is quite on the contrary to the apparently antediluvian view put forward by corporate executives Friedman and Levitt (cited in Wilson, 2004, Vol.23, p. 23) highlighting '.the business of business is making money, not sweet music.' So why is there discrepancy between the ideal view of business and which should be placed under higher priority the shareholders or stakeholders (society). To understand both points of view we need to identify the party's involved and the relationship they have to the business and business operations. A stockholder (shareholder) is one that owns or holds a share or shares of stock in company, enterprise or organisation (The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition, 2005). Shareholders are the financial backing in the organisation, they are generally people interested in making a profit (in the form of dividends) and they supply capital to the organisation. On the contrary stakeholder are seen as any party that has an interest in an organization. Stakeholders of a company include stockholders, bondholders, customers, suppliers, employees, and so forth (Scott, 2003). Given the definition or both involved parties it is clear to see that the success of the business in making a profit will please the shareholders however, to make long-run profits in turn requires compatibility and complacency from its revenue source; the stakeholders. This requires the need for mission and vision driven company which must be truly responsive to stakeholders not only its shareholders (Wilson, 2004, Vol.23, p.23). These 'social responsibilities' must however be driven directly at the stakeholders involved with the business dealings in order to serve equally the shareholders. A clear example of miss-aimed social contribution and one which resulted in strong shareholder opposition was outlined when a number of Australian companies pledged finances to the tsunami relief effort in

Friday, July 19, 2019

Gender Equity, Is It Really Important in the Classroom? Essay -- Teachi

Gender Equity, Is It Really Important in the Classroom? There are many differences between boys and girls in the classroom. Most people do not realize this, but it is a proven fact. Gender differences in math and science are very evident. Teachers subconsciously treat boys with a higher degree of respect when it comes to math and science than they do girls. The roles of boys and girls are set at very young ages (Butler and Damnjanovic, 1997). Actually, before they even start going to school their roles are learned from their parents. Most parents buy boy toys for boys and girl toys for girls, thus forming the behavior to which their children will become accustom. According to Dale Baker (2001), "Teachers call on boys more often than girls, ask boys more higher-order questions, give boys more extensive feedback, and use longer wait-time with boys than girls"(p 1). What teachers do not realize is that this puts a big impact on girl’s self-esteem and learning skills. Also, it is not that girls dislike math and science but they "lose courage over time"(Bond, 2001, p 1). In addition, according to research done by the New England Consortium for Undergraduate Science Education (NEWCUSE, 1996), Men tend to respond to questions more confidently, aggressively, and quickly, regardless of the quality of their responses; they tend to speak more freely and spontaneously in class, formulating their answers as they speak. Women, on the other hand, tend to wait longer to respond to a question in class, choosing their words carefully, reflecting on the question and constructing an answer before they speak. (p 4) I feel this is because boys have the reputation of being rambunctious and wild, while girls are supposed... ...18/01). Butler Kahle, J., Damnjanovic, A. (1997). How Research Helps Address Gender Equity[online]. Available: (3/18/01) Kober, N. (2001). What special problems do girls face in science? What can schools And Teachers do?[online]. Available:,1946,ACQ-111315- 1315,00.shtm. (3/18/01). NECUSE Colleges, Students at Brown University. (1996). Achieving Gender Equity in Science Classrooms.[online]. Available: Of _the_College/homepginfo/equity/Equity_handbook.html. (3/18/01). Perez,C. (2001). Equity in the Standards-Based Elementary Mathematics Classroom [online]. Available:,1946,FOC -001768-index,00.shtm. (3/18/01).

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Students Need a Multicultural Classroom Essay -- Argumentative Persuas

Students Need a Multicultural Classroom I can identify with the multicultural concept of the classroom because I am African American, a woman, and a soon to be a teacher. This subject is one that is of extreme importance. The multicultural classroom is a learning environment that should be most effective because of the simple fact that it should encompass everyone. As a future teacher one of my goals for my classroom is to make it as diverse as possible. Not only because it should be a standard operating procedure, but because I feel students will be able to learn more effectively in an environment where they feel that their heritage is included. The definition of multiculturalism in Webster's Dictionary is "the existence, recognition or preservation of different cultures or cultural identities within a unified society." Therefore with this definition in mind a multicultural classroom is one that is the sum of all these things. A multicultural classroom is a learning environment that strives to reach all of its students, especially those of non-dominant ethnicities. In this environment students learn about the curriculum as well as their own cultural history. The aim of multicultural education is to ensure equity in education for all students and to help empower young people to make the world a better place both individually and collectively (Bigelow, 1993). Multicultural education is designed to help all students reach their full potential. Just about all teachers should have a desire to teach in a multicultural class because most classes in the United States of America contain at least one or two students of a differen t race or cultural background. This should not be considered a problem, but an asset because h... ...icultural Education: Development, Dimensions, and Challenges." Phi Delta Kappan. 75 (1), 22-28. Banks, J., and McGee, C. A. (Eds.). (1989). Multicultural Education: Issues and Perspectives. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Bigelow, W. (1993). "Limits of the New Multiculturalism: The 'Good' Children's Literature and the Quincentenary." Unpublished manuscript. Available from NECA. Dietrich Fairtest. (1990). Standardized Tests and our Children: A Guide to Testing Reform. Massachusetts: National Center for Fair and Open Testing. Greenfield, E., and Little, L. J. (1979). Childtimes: A Three Generation Memoir. New York: Harper Collins. Hughes, L. (1960). The Dreamkeeper and Other Poems. New York: Alfred Knopf. Lee, E. (1993). "Strategies for Building a Multicultural, Anti-racist Curriculum." Presented at the Books Project Seminar, Washington, DC, May 8, 1993.

Marketing Plan for Redbox Essay

Redbox is a DVD/Blu-Ray rental company which utilizes kiosk machines placed in convenient, high-traffic locations. The first Redbox kiosk was opened by McDonald’s in 2002. Redbox was later purchased by Coinstar, Inc. , and over the years, Redbox has rented over one billion movies and has grown to more than 27,000 locations in restaurants, grocery stores, pharmacies and convenience stores nationwide. Redbox proves to be a very unique way to rent DVD’s and by the nature of Redbox’s rental process, most businesses would benefit from the increased traffic generated by having a kiosk machine at their location. This type of relationship proves to be a win-win situation for both Redbox and the businesses which are housing the kiosk machine. Redbox’s primary target market proves to be the busy, I don’t have time to visit Blockbuster or login to Netflix type of consumer. There kiosk machines are located in common shopping locations which lend themselves to the â€Å"lazy† consumer. Furthermore, Redbox is also targeting the casual movie watcher who isn’t necessarily intending on renting a movie. In a way Redbox has turned renting movies into an impulse item. As a result, Redbox provides consumers with a service never seen before and has emerged as one of the largest DVD rental chains in the world. Redbox’s marketing mix is simple, unique, and clever. They have successfully turned a shopping item into a convenience item. Times have changed since the first movie rental store, Magnetic Video, was opened during 1977 in Los Angeles, California. During that time home personal computers were barely seen and the internet was nowhere on the horizon, so movie rental stores with good customer service provided the consumer with knowledge about the movies they were interested in. However, in today’s fast moving, information crazed world, consumers can obtain better information on the fly with there Blackberry, iPhone, or any other internet ready handheld device. Obviously Redbox recognized that consumers generally already know what movies they want to watch and they do not need to visit a movie rental location to get these hot new DVD releases. Not only does Redbox provide a unique service, they provide it at a low cost at convenient locations. Most movie rental stores charge $4-5 to rent a new release for approximately 3 days, whereas Redbox provides a similar service for $1. 29 per night. This is extremely cheap considering most consumers watch their movie rental the same day they rent it. Furthermore, Redbox gets this low cost movie rental product to the consumer through a channel of distribution historically associated with snack foods and soda. By providing movie rentals through vending machines called kiosks located at shopping locations where consumers already go to shop, they have eliminated much of the costs associated with conventional movie rental stores and the need for consumers to make an additional stop just to rent a movie. Since Redbox’s inception, it has experienced enormous growth and profit, but they will need to evolve in order to get ahead of the curve. Although Redbox appears to have established themselves as a formidable competitor to Netflix and Blockbuster, they are facing a gruesome reality. The take-home movie rental business is rapidly losing ground to online streaming video directly to consumers’ homes via the internet. Netflix has already been providing this service for quite some time and both Redbox and Blockbuster are feeling the pressure. Blockbuster, Inc. has already declared bankruptcy and very well may close conventional brick and mortar locations entirely. Redbox will need to change their marketing strategy significantly in order to stay competitive. The industry is changing and Redbox will need to seriously consider providing a viable online streaming video service which can rival Netflix. I propose Redbox should cease all efforts in providing any more kiosk machines so they may focus most of their resources to providing the consumers with what they want, online streaming video. Netflix has already got a head start, but even they will not be an exclusive online service for a few more years. So, Redbox must follow the money if they plan to be in business in the next five years. On the other hand, Redbox also has a golden opportunity to gain a large market share in the gaming industry. Redbox needs to become the first and only company to offer video game rentals through vending machines. Redbox is poised to achieve this goal with little to no effort and with their only possible competitor in this area being Blockbuster, they are sure to make huge profits from offering this service. Redbox already has the distribution channels in place; all they need to do is make a smooth transition from offering DVD’s in the kiosks to offering games. This should be a tiered transition which coincides with their streaming video efforts. In other words, Redbox cannot simply remove DVD’s from the kiosks and replace them with games immediately. As Redbox begins to provide consumers with a reliable, concrete streaming video service at a competitive price, they can slowly remove DVD’s from kiosks and replace them with the hottest new video games on the market. In conclusion, Redbox is currently providing a service which is in its decline stage and they need to consider changing their product mix in order to get ahead of the curve. They can accomplish this by providing consumers with an online streaming video service and becoming a pioneer in the gaming industry. Get Your Game on with Redbox!

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Foreign Language and English Essay

Nowadays, almost six thousands talking tos atomic number 18 verbalise in different countries. And unfortunately, half(prenominal) of them are in danger of defunctness. Certainly, the disappearance of a dustup move be attributed to the system of communication. However, one can place that it is a loss of culture and convention of gentleman experience. According to Baldwin (2006) contrary quarrel is a diction not mouth by the good deal of a certain(a) place. For instance, Italian is a foreign speech in India. Hence, Italian phrase is a foreign language for Indians.In this respect, an Indian is not supposed to pass on in French. (Baldwin, 2006) Form the birth of this world and human civilization, for some(prenominal) an individual and a indian lodge acquisition of any foreign language has been the subject of ardent debate in most of the countries. In this context, anthropologists and psychologists ache been researched on 2nd language look outing. In this regar d, Hakuta and Bialystok view as researched a lot according to them it is in truth difficult task for a native-born to spill the beans foreign language. (Hakuta and Bialystok, 1994)Good and wild Aspects of Foreign run-in However, according to Piron (n. d) because of different economies, diverse social societies, cultural differences, linguistic and implications in bringing up energize pass away a set of problems for an individual. Hence, as a matter of position, when something is complex, the natural tendency is to simplify. Consequently, now any society has an enormously change image of the linguistic situation. Piron also believes, to that extent for a big part of mankind there is no language problems with regard to actualise.Obviously, one can solve his or her problem by hiring a translator. On the former(a) hand, still some people living in diverse societies much(prenominal) as the US facing language problems every now and then. (Piron, n. d. ) For instance, a pro letarian working in the States can event language problems frequently when communicating with their customers or boss. Or a director of a firm whitethorn face financial loss due to the fact that he or she cannot understand confrontations reason of conflict. Interestingly, according to Piron (n. d.) such(prenominal) people do not bump victims of an absurd and unfair system, they receive guilty, they feel they should have mastered the other language. (Piron, n. d. ) He moreover argued that as written in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, every individual has a right to communicate in his own language. (Piron, n. d. ) Is America Loosing Its oral communication? According to Baldwin (2006) a researcher in this world, before the arrival of European, around triplet hundred Native American languages were communicate in the US.And now some of them are not exist is anywhere in the US society. In addition, most of the spoken languages are disappearing exuberant. He further believes that America has lost its identity and is fast losing its language. (Baldwin, 2006) Another researcher in this area Feder (2006) also believes that ordinary Americans look at a nation thats losing its language and identity. (Feder, 2006) Foreign Language and Its make on Children As far as learning foreign language is touch on it is very difficult task for kidskinren to learn it quickly.However, according to Fertig (2007) naturally, some children have abilities to understand quickly other languages from birth. In this regard, children who chatter two languages fluently are called bilingual. Interestingly, children who speak two languages fluently can be said to have 2 stick tongues. In this context according to Fertig (2007) incomplete children is foreign to that child, if in one language is a foreign language for the big major(ip)ity of people in the childs birth country.(Fertig, 2007) For instance, a child learning Spanish from his Spanish mother and French at nat uralise in France can communicate fluently in two Spanish and French, interestingly, neither is a foreign language to him or her. (Fertig, 2007) Following are some of the major advantages of foreign language for children o Firstly, as a matter of fact, for children study in foreign language plays a gas pedal role with regard of psychological and cognitive growth and development. o Secondly, confronting with 2 languages at an early age generally assists children to be more innovative.o Thirdly, many researchers in this area have disclosed the facts that foreign languages positively effects on skills such as writing, speaking and listening, and most significantly when interacting with two foreign languages it expands individuals memory. However, in some parts of the US, because of passing marked diverse societies, schools administrations are constrained to adopt tow primary languages for education according to community and majority. This thing has both good and bad effects on chi ldrens education.A child who is not bilingual by birth may confront several problems when taught in other language. Conclusion From the outset of this world, human have adopted and dispersed several languages. As a student as discussed above, study in foreign language has both pros and cons. However, the world has become a world(a) village and hence it would be better to say that every individual if wants advantage in this world must have savvy of other languages, such as English, French, Spanish and so forth.References Baldwin P. C. (2006). The Sorriest Generation America Has Lost Its Identity And Is Fast Losing Its Language. Retrieved, October 24, 2007, from http//pieganinstitute. org/preservinglanguages. pdf Fertig C. (2007). Language Immersion Programs for the invest Foreign Language, Parents and Educators, Gifted and Talented Children, Gifted Education, Parenting Gifted Children, College Planning. Retrieved, October 24, 2007, from http//resources. prufrock. com/tabid/57/art icleType/CategoryView/categoryId/21/Foreign-Language.aspx Feder D. (2006). A Pathway to Citizenship and semipolitical Extinction. Retrieved, October 24, 2007, from http//www. frontpagemag. com/Articles/Read. aspx? GUID=9B4F0AA7-6059-4771-A906-0B42C8E7C5C9 Hakuta K and Bialystok E. (1994). In Other linguistic process The Science and Psychology of Second-Language Acquisition. New York underlying Books. Piron C. (n. d. ). Psychological Aspects Of The Language Problem comportment or absence of language handicap. Retrieved, October 24, 2007, from http//www. geocities. com/c_piron/1. hypertext mark-up language